Ayar Uchu
Having Wiraqucha’s blood running through his veins, Uchu is endowed with limited clairvoyance. Uchu can sense danger before it happens, which helps him predict the attacks of an enemy in combat. Uchu sporadically receives prophetic dreams.
Uchu is the holder of the Electromagnetic Force Weapon of Magnetism, which was handed to him by Waqaychaq Mama. This weapon gives him limited control over Primordial Magnetism (the fifth Primordial Wave, which includes ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, etc.).
The weapon is composed of 3 parts: The Magnetic Rod, the Magnetic Blades, and the Magnetic Rope.
Magnetic Rod
Coming soon ...
Magnetic Blades
Coming soon …
Magnetic Rope
Coming soon …
Ayar Uchu™ specifications for the INKAS: The Legend™ game.
The Hunter
Warrior capable of suprise attacks and seizing enemy objects.
Hunters have the following powers:
• Basic Power: Ambush
• Energized Power: Theft
Camouflage (Ambush)
Uchu can climb up and hide in the trees to surprise his enemies before they can attack him.
Magnetic Rope (Theft)
Uchu can use his Magnetic Rope to steal objects from a distance.