By having Anquwillka’s blood running through his veins, Amsay is endowed with superhuman vitality, which gives him superior physical resistance and the ability to regenerate his body from moderate level wounds and injuries.
Amsay is the owner of the Celeractive Hypervisic Force Weapon, which was handed to him by Amaru Wiraqucha. This weapon gives him limited control over Primordial Celeractivity (the first Primordial Spiral, also known as “dark radioactivity”).
The weapon is composed of 3 parts: The Celeractive Blowgun, the Celeractive Acceleration Knife, and the Celeractive Deceleration Knife.
The Celeractive Blowgun can shoot paralyzing venom which “freezes” victims in place for an hour or more. Depending on the amount of venom Amsay decides to shoot, it can also be fatal.
The Celeractive Blowgun combines with one of the Celeractive Knifes to create a Celerative Spear with can be used as an energy harpoon.
When plunged into objects or structures, the Knife accelerates their entropy until they crumble. If plunged into an organic being, the Knife accelerates its metabolism until it dies.
If combined to form the Celeractive Spear and plunged into the ground, it creates a radiating field which accelerates Amsay’s movements for a few seconds, giving him a short burst of speed before launching into attacks.
The Celeractive Deceleration Knife can cut through most materials.
When plunged into objects or structures, the Knife decelerates their entropy and solidifies them (freezes and fuses them). If plunged into an organic being, the Knife decelerates its metabolism, slowing it down until it reaches a state of coma and then death.
If combined to form the Celeractive Spear and plunged into the ground, it creates a radiating field which decelerates everything around Amsay for a few seconds (within a radius of 3 meters / 10 feet). Amsay often uses this a protective force field, since attacks slow down before reaching him.